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Easy logging for humans and machines

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Easy logging for humans and machines

logging in standard library is wonderful. But if you want something simpler, ready-to-use and blazing fast, Logist is for you! Logist is a redis backed logging system with a performance of 6000 logs/second.



pip install logist

You need to have redis server installed and running. More info:

Basic Usage

from logist import Logist
logger = Logist()
logger.log(log_type, sub_type, description, log_time)

log_type: type of log - ERROR, WARNING, SUCCESS, INFO, DEBUG

sub_type: custom log sub types for easy tracking

description: brief log description

log_time: time of the logging - else auto populate

Specific Functions


logger.success("API_LOOKUP", "20301 bytes of json data served")


logger.warning("API_LOOKUP", "301 bytes of json data served")

Info"API_LOOKUP", "20301 bytes of json data served")


logger.error("API_LOOKUP_ERROR", "0 bytes of json data served")


logger.debug("API_LOOKUP_DEBUG", "2301 bytes of csv data served")

Configuration Options

REDIS_ADDRESS: Address to redis server

REDIS_PORT: redis server port

FLUSH_COUNT: log count when in-memory logs to be flushed to file

FILE_SIZE: file size when log file to be split up and compressed

LOG_FILE_NAME: name of the log file

LOG_FOLDER: folder for log files

NAMESPACE: a custom namespace for logs to be kept in redis server

COMPRESSION: a boolean field to enable/disable compression (True/False)

Either, create a configuration file with name logist_config.json in the pwd, like below

    "REDIS_ADDRESS": "localhost",
    "REDIS_PORT": 6379,
    "FLUSH_COUNT": 10000,
    "FILE_SIZE": 10000000,
    "LOG_FILE_NAME": "",
    "LOG_FOLDER": "",
    "COMPRESSION": true


create Logist objects with custom configuration options required as shown below

logger = Logist(redis_address="localhost", redis_port=6379, 
    flush_count=10000, file_size=10000000,
    log_file_name="default", log_folder="", 
    namespace="DEFAULT", compression=True)

Advanced Features


Advanced feature to filter logs as required based on log_type, sub_type, description and log_location. force_refresh is used to reload the index from the source file/memory

logger.filter(log_source="memory", date_from="", date_to="", 
    log_type="", sub_type="", description="", force_refresh=False)

Matches if description, log_type and sub_type contains the particular string. date_from and date_to are datetime objects for filtering


Advanced feature to filter logs as required based on log_type, sub_type, description and log_location. force_refresh is used to reload the index from the source file/memory

logger.count(log_source="memory", date_from="", date_to="", log_type="", 
    sub_type="", description="", log_location="memory", force_refresh=False)